- 0.020º Accuracy
- 0.001º Resolution
- 5Hz to 1MHz Frequency Response
- Hi Resolution Color Display
- Isolated Inputs
- IEEE-488, USB, optional LAN
- Current / Voltage Phase Measurements
The Model 6000A Phase Meter replaces the very popular Model 6000. Using the latest digital techniques and optimally designed analog front end, the Model 6000A out-performs any other phase meter on the market today. It also does this at a remarkably low cost. The unit automatically selects the proper range for both amplitude and phase and is wave shape independent. The user only needs to connect the two input cables to the phase meter to obtain a phase reading. Voltage Over range or Under range is indicated whenever either of the two input signals is too large or too small. An OFFSET toggle on the front panel allows the user to make differential phase measurements without the need of subtracting large numbers. The Model 6000A is galvanically isolated from ground and from channel to channel.
3243 Route 112, Medford, NY 11763
Phone: (631) 698-3350 Fax: (631) 698-3356
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